Telecom ABC - G

GSM parking


GSM parking is payment of parking fees with a mobile phone. To use the service, a customer will have to register first. After registration the customer receives a card, to be placed behind the front window. This card contains a unique personal number and serves as a digital parking ticket.

A customer calls the operator of the service to activate the parking. In this call the personal number and a tariff number are given. The customer is also identified by his mobile phone number to prevent fraud. When it�s time to move, customers call the operators number again to deactivate the parking.

Parking attendents scan the card behind the front window to validate if a customer has activated the parking.

GSM parking aims to make parking a less stressful experience. Not only do you no longer have to predict how long you need to park, but also the cashless system means no more hunting for change or a working pay & display machine

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