Telecom ABC - G
The term GSM900 is used for a GSM system which operates in any 900 MHz. The 900 MHz band defined in the ETSI standard includes the primary GSM band (GSM-P), the extension (see E-GSM) and the part of the 900 MHz band that is reserved for railways (R-GSM). The total GSM900 band defined in the standard ranges from 876 - 915 MHz paired with 921 - 960 MHz. Mobiles transmit in the lower band and base stations transmit in the upper band. In daily life, the term GSM900 band is used for the parts of the band that are used by the GSM operators to offer public services, which exludes the R-GSM band. This part of the band that remains ranges from 880 - 915 MHz paired with 925 - 960 MHz band.
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