Telecom ABC - M


Machine to Machine (M2M) is a concept for the connection of different devices to transmit or receive its data remotely over a network; this network could be fixed wire or wireless. M2M is used most commonly where data has to be collected from remote sources.

The first M2M applications were based on communication networks and used for machine monitoring, control, and alarms. M2M are nowadays used for a great number of applications connecting any type of mechanical, electrical and electronic machines over a wide variety of networks.

A few typical examples are:

  • Remote Data Collection (state of machines),
  • Remote control (management),
  • Telemetry (sensors, measurements in real time),
  • Remote payment (home banking),
  • Wireless in healthcare,
  • Telematics (Intelligent Transport, navigation),
  • Remote monitoring (access control, management of alarms, emergency services),

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