Telecom ABC - Specials - DSA

The role of Cognitive Radio in Dynamic Spectrum Access

The growing demand for radio frequency (RF) spectrum makes the introduction of more spectrum efficient technologies and a more efficient spectrum management regime necessary. Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising innovative technology that can be used to improve spectrum utilization. Cognitive Radio systems not only have the potential to make more efficient use of spectrum, but also offer more versatility and flexibility, with their increased ability to adapt their operations based on external factors. Cognitive radio systems can play an important role in achieving Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), and a paradigm shift for spectrum management from a model based on static spectrum access to a model based on dynamic spectrum access.

Rapid progress is being made in the research on cognitive radio technology to facilitate more flexibility in spectrum utilization and Dynamic Spectrum Access. However, this will pose a challenge to the spectrum management authorities. Current spectrum management policies and regulations do not cater for this increased flexibility. Changes in spectrum management will be required to take advantage of the possibilities for DSA as a means for more efficient spectrum usage.

From a regulatory perspective there are two different models considered to improve the efficiency and flexibility, a model based on tradable property rights and a model based on open access (commons). These models need to be linked to the new technological capabilities of software defined radio's and cognitive radio's.

The presentations below introduce the concept of dynamic spectrum access and the impact on the management of spectrum. Particular emphasis is given to spectrum management problems associated with autonomous cognitive radio and to some solutions to overcome these problems. The contributions conclude that dynamic spectrum access can play a role for different kind of services in a regime of property rights and a spectrum commons.

  • Does Cognitive Radio need Policy Innovation?1
    First Annual Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Brussels: Intersentia
  • Cognitive Radio, the Market and the Regulator, paper presented at DySPAN 2010. Singapore: IEEE.

1A paper on this subject (and with the same title) has been published in the Journal of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 11(2010), No. 1, pp. 2-26.


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